This plugin helps you to apply to a common code style in a team of Eclipse JDT and NetBeans IDE users. The original formatting engine of Eclipse is embedded and allows you to format the sourcecode the same way as your Eclipse co-workers do. You only have to provide a Eclipse formatter configuration file.

Plugin is in still experimental state. Known issue: When the Eclipse formatter is used all the breakpoints in the file are lost.



Updates in 1.7:

Updates in 1.6.1:

Updates in 1.6:

Updates in 1.5:

Updates in 1.4.1:

Updates in 1.4:


Please note that this plugin only provides support for formatting. Eclipse users may miss the application of save-actions like "adding @Override annotations" or "member sort order". Such AST-based transformations are not provided by this plugin. The plugin also won't format source code with guarded sections - like the Java sources generated by the NetBeans GUI builder.


Provide defects, request for enhancements and feedback at

Compatible to NetBeans 7.3+ and JDK6+.
