# This patch file was generated by NetBeans IDE # Following Index: paths are relative to: /home/jb198685/projects/netbeans-src/serverplugins/sun/appsrv81/src/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/sun/ide/j2ee # This patch can be applied using context Tools: Patch action on respective folder. # It uses platform neutral UTF-8 encoding and \n newlines. # Above lines and this line are ignored by the patching process. Index: DomainEditor.java *** /home/jb198685/projects/netbeans-src/serverplugins/sun/appsrv81/src/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/sun/ide/j2ee/DomainEditor.java Base (1.4) --- /home/jb198685/projects/netbeans-src/serverplugins/sun/appsrv81/src/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/sun/ide/j2ee/DomainEditor.java Locally Modified (Based On 1.4) *************** *** 376,383 **** // or to "-agentpath:C:\Program Files\lib\profileragent.dll=\"C:\Program Files\lib\",5140" (GlassFish or AS 9.0) private String formatJvmOption(String jvmOption, File appServerLocation) { // only jvmOption containing \" needs to be formatted ! if (jvmOption.indexOf("\\\"") != -1) { ! // Modification for AS 8.1, 8.2, initial modification for AS 9.0, GlassFish // Converts -agentpath:"C:\Program Files\lib\profileragent.dll=\"C:\Program Files\lib\"",5140 // to -agentpath:C:\Program Files\lib\profileragent.dll="C:\Program Files\lib",5140 --- 376,384 ---- // or to "-agentpath:C:\Program Files\lib\profileragent.dll=\"C:\Program Files\lib\",5140" (GlassFish or AS 9.0) private String formatJvmOption(String jvmOption, File appServerLocation) { // only jvmOption containing \" needs to be formatted ! if (jvmOption.indexOf("\"") != -1) { // NOI18N ! // special handling for -agentpath ! if (jvmOption.indexOf("\\\"") != -1 && jvmOption.indexOf("-agentpath") != -1 ){ // NOI18N // Modification for AS 8.1, 8.2, initial modification for AS 9.0, GlassFish // Converts -agentpath:"C:\Program Files\lib\profileragent.dll=\"C:\Program Files\lib\"",5140 // to -agentpath:C:\Program Files\lib\profileragent.dll="C:\Program Files\lib",5140 *************** *** 403,409 **** --- 404,413 ---- // return correctly formatted jvmOption return modifiedOption; + } else { + return jvmOption.replace('"', ' '); } + } // return original jvmOption return jvmOption; }