Tabs and Idents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Absolute Label Indentation | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Expand Tab to Spaces | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Indent Case Statements In Switch | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Indent Top Level Class Members | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components not reachable with tab traversal : Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Absolute Label Indentation | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Indent Case Statements In Switch | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Indent Top Level Class Members | } Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { | } Alignment and Braces - Braces Placement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Special "else if" Treatment | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Class Declaration: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Method Declaration: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Other: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Braces Placement | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Braces Placement | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components with potential mnemonics conflict: - components with mnemonic 'C' : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Class Declaration: | } Components not reachable with tab traversal : - none. Alignment and Braces - Multiline Alignment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Array Initializer | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Assignment | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Binary Operators | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { For | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Implements List | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Method Call Arguments | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Method Parameters | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Parenthesized | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Ternary Operators | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { Throws List | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Multiline Alignment | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Multiline Alignment | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components not reachable with tab traversal : - none. Alignment and Braces - Braces Generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { "do ... while": | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { "for": | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { "if": | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { "while": | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Braces Generation | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Braces Generation | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components not reachable with tab traversal : - none. Alignment and Braces - New Lines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { "catch" | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { "else" | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { "finally" | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { "while" | } Class: javax.swing.JCheckBox { after modifiers | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { New Lines | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { New Lines | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components not reachable with tab traversal : - none. Wrapping ~~~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Annotations: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Array Initializer: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Assert: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Assignment Operators: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Binary Operators: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Chained Method Calls: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Do ... While Statement | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Enum Constants: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Extends/Implements Keyword: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Extends/Implements List: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { For Statement: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { For: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { If Statement: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Method Call Arguments: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Method Parameters: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Ternary Operators: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Throws Keyword: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Throws List: | } Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { While Statement: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components with potential mnemonics conflict: - components with mnemonic 'C' : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Enum Constants: | } - components with mnemonic 'A' : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Assert: | } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Method Call Arguments: | } Components not reachable with tab traversal : - none. Blank Lines ~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { After Class Header: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { After Class: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { After Field: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { After Imports: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { After Method: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { After Package: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { Before Class: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { Before Field: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { Before Imports: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { Before Method: | } Class: javax.swing.JTextField { Before Package: | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components with potential mnemonics conflict: - components with mnemonic 'M' : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { After Imports: | } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Before Method: | } - components with mnemonic 'C' : Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Before Class: | } Class: javax.swing.JLabel { Category: | } Components not reachable with tab traversal : - none. Spaces ~~~~~~ =============================================== Tested Window title : Options =============================================== Results of Accessibility test Doesn't implement Accessible : Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } Class: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSplitPaneDivider { } No Accessible name : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTree { | } No Accessible description : Class: javax.swing.JComboBox { Category: | } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTree { | } Label with LABEL_FOR not set : - none. Components with no LABEL_FOR pointing to it : Class: javax.swing.JEditorPane { | text/x-java } Class: javax.swing.JTabbedPane { Formatting | } Class: javax.swing.JTree { | } Components with no mnemonic : - none. Components with wrong mnemonic (mnemonic isn't ASCII , label doesn't contain mnemonic): - none. Components not reachable with tab traversal : - none.