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Bug 110348

Summary: Add links to Rails app in browser pointing back into NetBeans
Product: ruby Reporter: Torbjorn Norbye <tor>
Component: RailsAssignee: issues@ruby <issues>
Status: NEW ---    
Severity: blocker    
Priority: P2    
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Exception Reporter:

Description Torbjorn Norbye 2007-07-20 00:06:36 UTC
This should work for both stacktraces as well as succeeding pages (so you can easily warp to the corresponding view file for example).

Here's some traffic from dev@ruby on the subject:

	Subject: 	Better integration with web server through links?
	Date: 	July 9, 2007 6:11:17 PM PDT

When I'm at the stage of using the browser, and I hit a problem that
results in the traditional ruby error page including a stack trace,
it'd be really nice to be able to turn those stack trace lines into
clicable links that would bring up the right file/line in NetBeans.

Does netbeans have a way to do that?  Seems like you'd just need to:

1.  Turn the stack trace lines into links that can be associated with
NetBeans.  Should be straightforward.
2.  Associate those links with netbeans in the browser. Trivial.
3.  Have netbeans respond correctly when started with something like
netbeans.exe netbeans://whatever/the/link/looks/like/to/the/line/and/file.
Beats me, but seems like not so hard.

Or is this sort of thing already there?

	From: 	  Petr.Jiricka@Sun.COM

We just recently discussed how to make the Visual Web error handler more general and reusable in all Java web apps, see also:

It sounds like at least the IDE side of the error handler could be shared between Java web apps and Rails apps.



The relevant code is in the actionpack framework -- the file is action_controller/rescue.rb.  Rescue templates are in action_controller/templates/rescues.  
Seems like a starting point would be to clone Rails' default templates and doctor them up with links to a NetBeans webserver as Tor indicated.  As to how to 
hook the NB-specific code in, I'm not sure, perhaps Tor can suggest a preferred way.  If it were outside the boundaries of the IDE I'd say put it in a plugin 
and override the ActionController::Rescue#rescues_path method: 

      def rescues_path(template_name)


Note also that there's a plugin for TextMate which does something similar:

This plugin spits out txmt: links which can be bound to any tool: