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Bug 119586

Summary: Allow declaration target to be chosen by the user
Product: ruby Reporter: Torbjorn Norbye <tor>
Component: EditingAssignee: Torbjorn Norbye <tor>
Severity: blocker CC: pjiricka
Priority: P2 Keywords: UI
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description Torbjorn Norbye 2007-10-21 18:41:47 UTC
We have several issues around Go To Declaration that it sometimes doesn't jump where you expect.

This is a general problem in Ruby, since if you ask to go to say the class "TestCase", it can be defined in many places
- so which one should we show?

I've been thinking for a while that it should really ask the user.  I was a bit reluctant to attempt this for NetBeans
6.0 since I thought this was a "new" thing in NetBeans. However, I discovered that Netbeans already does something very
similar if you try to Go To Superclass for a class which implements a method that is defined in multiple interfaces. It
pops up a dialog asking you to choose which superclass to jump to. That's the precedent I needed.

I've implemented this, but it's disabled for now. You can enable it by running with the very latest build and this flag:


Try jumping to a class like TestCase, or a method like chomp, or ...

Obviously, when there is only one match, it will jump to the declaration without asking.  In the dialog, I include
matches that are marked with ":nodoc:" (which typically means they are implementation classes or methods so probably not
an interesting go to target). However, if all but one match is nodoc, I just jump to the non-nodoc'ed class.

I also sort the list such that  you first see the "best" match (in bold), then all the documented classes, at the very
end the nodoc'ed classes, and the rest in the middle (sorted by filename). The "best match" is one I've picked based on
heuristics. That's the one I would just jump to until now - and which isn't always right.

(You can also make it just jump to the best match by running with another flag.)
Comment 1 Torbjorn Norbye 2007-10-21 18:42:51 UTC
Some issues related to this are:
94857: go to declaration is non-deterministic
116734: Jump to method goes to wrong place

I also have some private e-mail requesting some solutions to this.
Comment 2 Torbjorn Norbye 2007-10-21 19:27:35 UTC
To see the same behavior in Java, add this code:

 interface A1 { void foo(); }; interface A2 { void foo(); }; class C1 implements A1, A2 { public void foo() { } }

Then "Go To Super" on "public void foo".
Comment 3 jrojcek 2007-10-22 09:28:18 UTC
The change looks good to me from UI point of view. I would just suggest to use "Go to Declaration" for title of the popup. 

Comment 4 Torbjorn Norbye 2007-10-22 22:10:43 UTC
Thanks Jano and Gail for approving. I've changed the title as Jano suggested and enabled this in the builds.

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