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Bug 134708

Summary: modal dialog can unexpectedly bring down subsequent dialog
Product: platform Reporter: ivan <ivan>
Component: Dialogs&WizardsAssignee: Jiri Rechtacek <jrechtacek>
Severity: blocker CC: mentlicher
Priority: P3 Keywords: API
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: Sun   
OS: All   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description ivan 2008-05-08 00:25:22 UTC
It is possible that a modal dialog that is on it's way down will bring down 
a subsequent dialog prematurely.

scenario: In sunstudio the AttachDebugger action brings up a modal attach dialog
which is managed by debuggercore (class ConnectAction). Choosing a target process and pressing
OK will start the debugger engine which in turn
puts up it's own dialog before the first one has completely gone away.
However, as soon as the attach dialog goes away it prematurely
brings down the second dialog with it.

Looking at the code for DialogDisplayerImpl.createDialog() it's not hard to see
why. When the second dialog is being "created" NbPresenter.currentModalDialog
is still non-null, in which case the second dialog becomes it's child. This
depends on whether the first dialog is a leaf. The debuggercore Connect dialog is
not a leaf so the second dialog will become it's child.
Then when the dialog pointed by NbPresenter.currentModalDialog goes away it will
take it's child with it.

Looking at the code for debuggercore there is ConnectListener.actionPerformed()
which first calls ok() on the client and then brings down the attach dialog.
The ok call to the client is what sets the attach in motion and is where
the second dialog is created as a child of the attach dialog. Then actionPerformed()
disposes the attach dialog and any of it's children.

At first blush one might be tempted to say that debuggercore should 
dispose the dialog first and then call ok() on the client, or
maybe not even dispose the dialog itself but let it 
pop out of it's nested event loop and only then call the ok()
on the client.
Also debuggercores Attach dialog may declare itself as a leaf
which would also solve this problem.

However, the design of DialogDisplayerImpl.createDialog() makes the 
assumption that dialogs created by modal dialogs are invariably
their children. This may be the case, for example, when you get a cascade
of deeper, more expert, dialogs like often happens on Windows.
But the OK button seems to prove the exception to this assumption causing
surprising behaviour.
A more philosophical way to look at this: who is responsible for 
postponing the side-effect of OK until it's containing dialog
is gone?

I'm currently working around this by having the call to (my) ok()
postpone the actual attach action via an invokeLater.
Comment 1 Jiri Rechtacek 2008-07-24 13:52:51 UTC
DialogDesciptor has a way how to solve this problem, if I understand the problem correctly.
DialogDescriptor has a field 'leaf'
( which was
designed to help in such cases:
The application has the main window W, once new dialog D1 is opened then W will be parent of D1. And then if a next
dialog D2 is opened, D1 is parent of D2. i.e. W<-D1<-D2. When an user closes D1, D2 is closed as well because its parent
disappears. That's the case why 'leaf' field is there. Construct D1 with leaf=true in its constructor or use
DD.setLeaf(true) and D1 cannot become as parent of other dialog, e.g. W<-D1 and W<-D2. In the end, both dialog can close
independent each other.
Hope it helps,
Comment 2 ivan 2008-07-24 20:15:44 UTC
So you're saying debuggercores attach dialog should mark itself
as a leaf?

But a dialog may not be able to know if it's a leaf or not.
For example, the debuggercore Attach and NewBreakpoint dialogs
host panels provided by various debugger implementations.
These panels may have actions which pop up more dialogs.
Comment 3 Jiri Rechtacek 2008-07-25 10:00:04 UTC
I do understand that but the proposed pattern with setLeaf(true) has been applied to such conflicting dialogs up to now.
I guess it cannot cover all cases perfectly, it's one of possible workarounds.
Perhaps, a ideal solution would be new DD method like setAsTopDialog() which you could apply on your dialog to avoid
unintentional closing of it. If you agree I'm going to change this issue to RFE of DialogDescriptor API for that method.
Comment 4 Jiri Rechtacek 2008-07-25 10:04:13 UTC
Btw. the reason for DD.setLeaf(boolean) method was issue 53525 which came with this problem the first time.
Comment 5 ivan 2008-07-25 20:50:23 UTC
IZ 53525 is the exact same problem I've described here.
Leafness is not a property one should have to assign. It's a derivative
propery and should mean "do I have any children". (I know with
Nodes it's a bit more complicated but I don't think dialogs do
what Nodes do)

When swing/AWT dialogs are created they get assigned an owner.
Why is it that that relationship not being used to determine leafness?
For that matter, shouldn't a correct swing-level owner relationship bring down
D2 when D1 goes away? Wy does NB need to do something extra?

It sees to me that the NB dialog code establishes an incorrect parent-child
relationship between unrelated dialogs. Instead of "not doing that" isLeaf is a workaround
that says ignore that incorrect automatically generated parent-child relationship.

Comment 6 Jiri Rechtacek 2008-09-03 14:39:33 UTC
Need to new constructor/method in DialogDescriptor API to allow to specify owner of dialog.
Comment 7 Jiri Rechtacek 2008-11-21 16:20:12 UTC
Not in current plan to fix it
Comment 8 Quality Engineering 2009-11-02 11:00:00 UTC Migration: changing resolution from LATER to WONTFIX