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Bug 156808

Summary: Ignoring classes generated from WSDL
Product: javaee Reporter: novakm <novakm>
Component: MavenAssignee: Milos Kleint <mkleint>
Severity: blocker    
Priority: P3    
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description novakm 2009-01-14 14:11:19 UTC
I am using JAXWS running on a server side - .war file. Client using these webservices is in a .jar file. But the client
ignores classes generated from the WSDL. They were generated and are physically on the disk in
<proj_name>\target\classes\... However, in editor, usage of these classes are underlined red and in projects/files view
there are those exclamations in red circle. Weird is, that I am able to build the project without any problems. What i
was unable to do is point NetBeans where those generated classes are. Maybe this is not problem of maven plugin, if it
is the case, please reassign as appropriate. Or maybe I am missing something, then please advise me how to fix it ;)

I am new to maven and this project was prepared for me by someone else. He prepared pom.xml for the whole project which
consists of two modules - server and client, each with its own pom. I used "open project" and pointed at the pom of the
whole project.

Product Version: NetBeans IDE 6.5 (Build 200811100001)
Java: 1.6.0_04; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 10.0-b19
System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_GB (nb)
Comment 1 novakm 2009-01-14 14:17:17 UTC
Err a little correction. I used "New Project" | "Maven Project with existing POM"
Comment 2 Milos Kleint 2009-01-14 14:19:51 UTC
netbeans expects the source files to be generated to "target/generated-sources/<FOO>" where <FOO> is typically a name of
the maven plugin. There's no way in maven to declaratively get a list generated source roots, without actually running
the build. That's unacceptable from performance point of view, so netbeans is using this convention to resolve the
classpath. Most plugins do indeed generate the sources in the above mentioned way.

closing as LATER, as we might reevaluate the approach once maven has declarative means of figuring additional, generated
source roots.
Comment 3 novakm 2009-01-15 07:17:27 UTC
So if I understand it correctly, if I put my generated classes into "target/generated-sources/<mvn_plugin>", it will
work? Isn't it weird, when netbeans generates these classes to \classes by default but in maven project expect the
classes to be somewhere else?? I don't see any destination for generated classes in pom, so it IS default in netbeans,
isn't it?
Building is OK, but there is no way to point IDE to generated classes. In Eclipse you can do that and I think this is a
basic feature, don't you?
Comment 4 Milos Kleint 2009-01-15 07:33:57 UTC
"Isn't it weird, when netbeans generates these classes to \classes by default but in maven project expect the
classes to be somewhere else??"
by netbeans you mean probably the ant based project types in netbeans. However maven is independent from netbeans. The
target/generated-sources/XXX convetion is a MAVEN convention, not NETBEANS.

"I don't see any destination for generated classes in pom, so it IS default in netbeans,
isn't it?"
No, it's a location that was agreed upon by the various source generating maven plugins as the default location. And it
indeed is not declared in the POM. That's what I mentioned above in my comment. When (if) it appears there, I'll be more
than happy to read that setting.

"Building is OK, but there is no way to point IDE to generated classes. In Eclipse you can do that and I think this is a
basic feature, don't you?"

building is ok, because your maven plugin injects the path dynamically upon execution. 
manual configuration has a few disadvantages:
1. the configuration needs to be written somewhere. A lot of people don't like netbeans to write stuff in pom or elsewhere.
2. it needs to be kept in sync manually.

Comment 5 Milos Kleint 2009-01-15 14:53:44 UTC
i've added a detailed description on how to configure generated sources in teh Project properties dialog, Sources panel.
Comment 6 Quality Engineering 2009-01-16 07:21:47 UTC
Integrated into 'main-golden', will be available in build *200901160201* on (upload may still be in progress)
User: Milos Kleint <>
Log: #156808 add detailed description on how generated sources are resolved in the Sources panel in the project customizer.
Comment 7 Quality Engineering 2009-11-02 11:02:25 UTC Migration: changing resolution from LATER to WONTFIX