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Bug 164795

Summary: Sources - Copy to another location randomly fails
Product: php Reporter: inkubus08 <inkubus08>
Component: ProjectAssignee: Tomas Mysik <tmysik>
Severity: blocker CC: fzamboj, ppisl, tmysik
Priority: P3    
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: PC   
OS: All   
Issue Type: DEFECT Exception Reporter:

Description inkubus08 2009-05-08 18:50:46 UTC
The "Copy Sources to another location" project feature does not appear to working properly in NetBeans IDE 6.7 Beta
(Build 200904242137) and NetBeans IDE Dev (Build 200905080201). With the "Copy to another location" enabled for a
project, where the target IS writable, the initial copy of the sources directory never happens. However if I edit and
save an individual file then that is copied to the "another location" properly.
Comment 1 Tomas Mysik 2009-05-11 09:05:42 UTC
Possible regression - Radku, please, look at it. Thanks.
Comment 2 Filip Zamboj 2009-05-14 16:42:10 UTC
reproduced on: 

Product Version: NetBeans IDE Dev (Build 200905140201)
Java: 1.6.0_13; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 11.3-b02

I created new project PhpProject12 and set up these locations in New Project Wizard: 

project folder: /home/felipee/NetBeansProjects/PhpProject12
copy to folder: /var/www/PhpProject12

project was created properly. 
this is "tree -L 1" of /var where is www folder in that project sources supposed to be copied:

`-- www
    |-- AirAlliance1
    |-- AirAlliance2
    |-- AirAlliance4
    |-- AirAlliance7
    |-- AirAllianceTest
    |-- AirAlliancetest2
    |-- AnagramGame
    |-- FormattingTests
    |-- PhpProject1
    |-- PhpProject10
    |-- PhpProject11
    |-- PhpProject2
    |-- PhpProject3
    |-- PhpProject4
    |-- PhpProject5
    |-- PhpProject6
    |-- PhpProject7
    |-- PhpProject8
    |-- PhpProject9
    |-- PhpTestProject
    |-- TestOfUserRights
    |-- actr
    |-- bckp
    |-- bugzilla
    |-- galteja
    |-- jobeet
    |-- myFirstSymfonyProject
    |-- symphony
    |-- test
    `-- usages
expected result: a new folder will be created in /var/www/ and sources will be copied into this folder.  
Comment 3 Filip Zamboj 2009-05-14 16:46:53 UTC
moreover, if you create new file in project from previous example then folder is created but ONLY new file is copied.
You must change file to be copied. 

- before the file index2.php was created the folder is not in /var/www/PhpProject12
- tree after index2.php was created:
`-- index2.php
$> ~/NetBeansProjects/PhpProject12$ tree

|-- index.php
|-- index2.php
`-- nbproject
    |-- private
    |   `--
    `-- project.xml
result: index.php is missing in /var/www/PhpProject12 
Comment 4 Filip Zamboj 2009-05-14 16:49:53 UTC
I guess it's the same issue but I can create new one if not. 

1. create project and don't enable copy to another location 
2. enable copy to another location in project properties 
result: nothing happens 
expected result: should be copied. 

the same for this use case: if you change the file than it's copied but not at initialization. 
Comment 6 Quality Engineering 2009-05-19 07:24:27 UTC
Integrated into 'main-golden', will be available in build *200905190201* on (upload may still be in progress)
User: Radek Matous <>
Log: #164795 Sources - Copy to another location
Comment 7 Filip Zamboj 2009-06-12 11:04:22 UTC
Product Version: NetBeans IDE 6.7 RC3 (Build 200906110001)
Java: 1.6.0_13; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 11.3-b02

description: copy to another location works only to certain level. 

initial netbeans project folder: 
|-- admin
|-- cgi-bin
|-- compile
|-- configs
|-- data
|-- javascript
|-- lib
|-- nbproject

then I copied following (only directory listing) to lib folder through favourites: 
`-- swift
    |-- lib
    |   |-- classes
    |   |   `-- Swift
    |   |       |-- ByteStream
    |   |       |-- CharacterReader
    |   |       |-- CharacterReaderFactory
    |   |       |-- CharacterStream
    |   |       |-- Encoder
    |   |       |-- Events
    |   |       |-- KeyCache
    |   |       |-- Mailer
    |   |       |-- Mime
    |   |       |   |-- ContentEncoder
    |   |       |   |-- HeaderEncoder
    |   |       |   `-- Headers
    |   |       |-- Plugins
    |   |       |   |-- Decorator
    |   |       |   |-- Loggers
    |   |       |   |-- Pop
    |   |       |   `-- Reporters
    |   |       |-- StreamFilters
    |   |       `-- Transport
    |   |           `-- Esmtp
    |   |               `-- Auth
    |   `-- dependency_maps
    |-- test-suite
    |   |-- lib
    |   |   |-- Sweety
    |   |   |   |-- Reporter
    |   |   |   |-- Runner
    |   |   |   `-- TestLocator
    |   |   |-- simpletest
    |   |   `-- yaymock
    |   |       `-- classes
    |   |           `-- Yay
    |   |               |-- Actions
    |   |               |-- Expectations
    |   |               `-- Matchers
    |   `-- templates
    |       `-- sweety
    |           |-- css
    |           |-- images
    |           `-- js
    `-- tests
        |-- _samples
        |   |-- charsets
        |   |   |-- iso-8859-1
        |   |   `-- utf-8
        |   `-- files
        |-- acceptance
        |   `-- Swift
        |       |-- ByteStream
        |       |-- CharacterReaderFactory
        |       |-- Encoder
        |       |-- KeyCache
        |       |-- Mime
        |       |   `-- ContentEncoder
        |       `-- Transport
        |           `-- StreamBuffer
        |-- bug
        |   `-- Swift
        |-- helpers
        |   `-- Swift
        |       `-- Tests
        |-- smoke
        |   `-- Swift
        |       `-- Smoke
        `-- unit
            `-- Swift
                |-- ByteStream
                |-- CharacterReader
                |-- CharacterStream
                |-- Encoder
                |-- Events
                |-- KeyCache
                |-- Mailer
                |-- Mime
                |   |-- ContentEncoder
                |   |-- HeaderEncoder
                |   `-- Headers
                |-- Plugins
                |   |-- Loggers
                |   `-- Reporters
                |-- StreamFilters
                `-- Transport
                    |-- Esmtp
                    |   `-- Auth
                    `-- EsmtpTransport

all files were copied to project folder without any problem BUT only root folder and first  were copied to "another

tree of "another location":
`-- swift
    |-- lib
    |-- test-suite
    `-- tests

Comment 8 rmatous 2009-06-12 11:19:26 UTC
is it reproducible? 
Comment 9 Filip Zamboj 2009-06-12 13:50:44 UTC
yep it is BUT I realized I renamed folder after copying. 

1. copy folder in favorites window
Now ARE all files and folders present in "another location" 

2. rename copied folder in project folder in favorites window  
Now there IS A ISSUE I described. 

btw, is this php issue? 

Comment 10 rmatous 2009-06-12 14:12:31 UTC
ok, thanks => P3
Comment 11 techmiester 2009-07-26 20:19:28 UTC
Everyday I get a few files not copying to wamp/www.  
Comment 12 lukebarton 2009-09-12 16:44:40 UTC
I'm also having this issue.

Steps taken:
Open Netbeans
Checked out SVN project
Created new PHP project from existing source
(Project appears fine at this point)
Right-click > Properties, check "Copy files from Sources..", select path

Result: Directories and Files of dir depth 2 or less are copied. Files and Directories of 3 or more directories' depth
are not copied.

This is a show stopper for me. I don't want .svn files and IDE generated files poluting my dev source when testing.
Comment 13 Tomas Mysik 2009-09-14 09:52:06 UTC
Have a look at issue #172139 for more information. Thanks.

*** This issue has been marked as a duplicate of 172139 ***