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Bug 84375

Summary: Input prompt should be integrated into display of output, not separate text field
Product: platform Reporter: _ gordonp <gordonp>
Component: Output WindowAssignee: Milos Kleint <mkleint>
Severity: blocker CC: anebuzelsky, jrojcek, thp, tor
Priority: P1    
Version: 6.x   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: ENHANCEMENT Exception Reporter:
Bug Depends on: 103141    
Bug Blocks: 82439    
Attachments: patched output2 module
test application
Tar file of my test program (the entire project)
Stack trace of exception
updated version of patched output2 binary

Description _ gordonp 2006-09-06 21:47:32 UTC
Currently, if a program (either being "run" or "debugged") requires input
the only option the output tabs (from IOProvider) provide is to type input
into a text field below the main text area.

This has various problems. First off, it separates input from output. Its
not separated if the same program is run from a terminal.

Even worse, if the program outputs a prompt (ie, text without a newline),
the prompt isn't displayed until after the user types input. In many cases,
the user won't type the input because they're waiting for the prompt! The
following class demonstrates this problem:

package javaapplication1;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.print("prompt: ");
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
Comment 1 _ gordonp 2006-09-06 21:50:00 UTC
I submitted before finishing...

I've never understood why this type if input hasn't been perceived as a
decifiency in netbeans (Eclipse handles this exactly as you'd expect).
In my groups case (the cnd team) we feel this type of support is critical
for C/C++ developers.
Comment 2 Milos Kleint 2006-09-07 05:11:04 UTC
your described scenario shall already work in trunk with the output window. It
doesn't work with the ant-built projects because ant sends only complete lines
to output.

Comment 3 _ gordonp 2006-09-20 00:56:08 UTC
I downloaded the nb60 milestone 3 and the latest CND nightly. I see no
change in behavior from nb50 or nb55. When I run my C app I get an input
textfield (separate from the main output panel) and my input still appears
before my prompt.

A (very) quick look at core/output2 sources shows very few differences
between nb55's version and the trunk version. In fact, I diff'ed
from nb55 ( and the trunk (1.6) and the only differences were
white space.
Comment 4 Milos Kleint 2006-09-20 04:59:34 UTC
this ought to work. please review how you write to the output window. AFAIK this
doesn't work for ant builds for example because they write line-per-line to the
output. Thus a non-finished line (print()) is cached and printed only after a
new line arrives. YOur issue is probably similar. 
I have tests for the partial line printing so i'm pretty confident it works in OW.

The input line is still separated in a text field that's why there's no change
in INputPanel.
Comment 5 Jesse Glick 2006-09-21 17:25:42 UTC
Adjusting summary to reflect the outstanding concern.
Comment 6 Milos Kleint 2006-10-03 14:46:48 UTC
rewriting the OW to support entering input directly into the output pane would
constiture a major rewrite of the output window and would need to have resources
assigned. I'm not even convinced it would be possible while maintaining the
current throughput display optimizations therein.
Comment 7 Milos Kleint 2006-11-02 08:54:47 UTC
actually with a few limitations the text could be entered in the output window.

1. text is always entered at the end, no matter where the cursor is.
2. if new output arrives, the input text moves to the end again.
3. the input is still sent to process line-by-line
4. only a limited set of editor actions is available, Enter sends line to
process, backspace removes the last char..more necessary?

please let me know if with these limitations it still fulfills your requirements.
Comment 8 _ gordonp 2006-11-02 16:27:37 UTC
> 1. text is always entered at the end, no matter where the cursor is.
> 2. if new output arrives, the input text moves to the end again.
> 3. the input is still sent to process line-by-line
> 4. only a limited set of editor actions is available, Enter sends line to
>    process, backspace removes the last char..more necessary?

These limitations come very close. The main issue I see is that the current
output window ignores a '\n' and leaves the cursor at the end of a line. For
instance, if a build outputs "Build Failed\n" then the cursor is left at the
end of this line rather than at the start of an empty line. Since I expect
this cursor will be my input insertion point, that doesn't work.

On the other hand, if the cursor is moved to the beginning of the next line
when '\n' is output (and doesn't move if I output a string without a '\n"),
then that should work.
Comment 9 _ gordonp 2006-11-02 21:14:26 UTC
> 1. text is always entered at the end, no matter where the cursor is.
> 2. if new output arrives, the input text moves to the end again.
> 3. the input is still sent to process line-by-line
> 4. only a limited set of editor actions is available, Enter sends line to
>    process, backspace removes the last char..more necessary?

These limitations come very close. The main issue I see is that the current
output window ignores a '\n' and leaves the cursor at the end of a line. For
instance, if a build outputs "Build Failed\n" then the cursor is left at the
end of this line rather than at the start of an empty line. Since I expect
this cursor will be my input insertion point, that doesn't work.

On the other hand, if the cursor is moved to the beginning of the next line
when '\n' is output (and doesn't move if I output a string without a '\n"),
then that should work.
Comment 10 Milos Kleint 2006-11-06 13:50:23 UTC
the requirement you mention is new to me, it was never discussed before and is
not part of the initial summary. I'm not sure I can incorporate it into the fix
for this bug. Please let me know if the current solution without the cursor
tweaking is acceptable or not.
Comment 11 Milos Kleint 2006-11-30 18:41:22 UTC
Created attachment 36398 [details]
patched output2 module
Comment 12 Milos Kleint 2006-11-30 18:49:51 UTC
Created attachment 36399 [details]
test application
Comment 13 Milos Kleint 2006-11-30 19:02:21 UTC
attached is the patched binary of the output2 module. please test it and provide
a few changes..
1. when the cursor is within the editable input text at the end, it inserts the
character at the location at the cursor
2. also deletes by backspace and delete keys work (a minor bug is that after
deleting a char, the cursor moves badly)
3. if the cursor is outside the editable area, the text still appears inside the
editable area..
Comment 14 _ gordonp 2006-11-30 21:17:55 UTC
Is the output2 jar file attachment for NB 5.5, 5.5.1, or trunk?

I'm not sure we build or run with the current trunk (editor APIs have
changed and we recently switched from the release55 branch to release551).
If possible, a 551 jar file would be best. If not, it will take me a week
or 2 to be able to get cnd building from the trunk (maybe longer as I'm
still working on FCS issues).
Comment 15 Milos Kleint 2006-12-01 05:04:34 UTC
it's trunk. but I think it should work in 5.5 as well if dropped into the
Comment 16 jrojcek 2006-12-01 16:39:06 UTC
The patch seems to be working on Win XP except:

- when I was writing a too long line exceeding the visible area then I couldn't see what I was writing. Either 
show up the horizontal scroll bar or wrap the line.
- An exception was thrown when I wrote the long like and deleted part of it and hit enter. I can try to 
reproduce if you want.
- the progress bar indicating running application behaved *very* strange. But this is probably another 

Comment 17 Milos Kleint 2006-12-01 21:16:13 UTC
jrojcek: i'll take a look at the scrolling issue. my bigger concern is
usability. Will the users figure out that it's possible to write into the OW
after we've had the input textfield for many releases?
Comment 18 _ gordonp 2006-12-15 18:29:56 UTC
My test program is a simple program called cvt. It reads a line of input and
converts case on all alphabetic characters. If run from a terminal, here is
the output:

    $ cvt
    Converting stdin:
    cvt: abcd
    cvt: qwerty
    cvt: x


I typed the "abcd" and "qwerty". The rest is program output.

When I ran cvt from inside netbeans (with your patched output2 jar file)
I got incorrect output. Of the 4 times I ran it (with fresh userdirs) I
had about the same results each time. The one area where it changed is
that characters were reversed 2 of the 4 runs (ie, "abcd" became "dcba").
It looks like the insertion point wasn't moved to the right of the typed
character. Here is the output from running it:

    Running "dist/Debug/GNU-Solaris-Sparc/cvt" in /home/gordonp/cvt

    Converting stdin:
    cvt: ABCD
    cvt: QWERTY

    Run successful. Exit value 0.


    Run successful. Exit value 0.

Again, I typed "abcd" and "qwerty". One error this doesn't show is that
as I type the characters are echoed at the end of the previously output
line. But those characters are removed and shown on the following line
after I press Return. So right before my 1st return I saw:

    Convertiong stdin:abcd|

where '|' is the (visible) insertion point. For the runs where my letters
were reversed, the '|' stayed to the left of the input character and I'd

    Converting stdin:|dcba

This same pattern repeated with the 2nd and 3rd lines of input:

    cvt: ABCDqwerty


    cvt: QWERTYx

Would it help if I sent you a cnd cluster so you could test it on your
machine? We haven't ported to the trunk so the stuff I did to get a
running cnd in the trunk won't get committed for several months. If I
could talk you into backporting your changes to release551 it would be
much easier for us to test them and get feedback to you very quickly.

I also moved the insertion pointer once (via arrow keys). Before I
pressed Return I had moved it back to its original location. None the
less, I get a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (see 2nd attachment).
Comment 19 _ gordonp 2006-12-15 18:31:37 UTC
Created attachment 36695 [details]
Tar file of my test program (the entire project)
Comment 20 _ gordonp 2006-12-15 18:32:46 UTC
Created attachment 36696 [details]
Stack trace of exception
Comment 21 Thomas Preisler 2006-12-15 22:55:32 UTC
We (SunStudio) would like this fix backported to 5.5.1
Comment 22 Milos Kleint 2007-01-19 14:18:23 UTC
Created attachment 37523 [details]
updated version of patched output2 binary
Comment 23 Milos Kleint 2007-01-19 14:28:51 UTC
status update:
I fixed the exceptions that were appearing on edits.
cursor moves in sane way now.

still not production ready though.
1. cannot distinguish if the last output line was a complete one or not and put
input approately (either same line or next)
2. in wrapped mode cursor is offsetted by 1 char to the right
3. selecting a block and deleting it, moves the block and does reselection

I have placed the result on a branch (named by the issue number). Still not
ready for trunk. In any case the fix is rather complex and unpredictable, so
definitely don't recommend putting into 551 (even if the outstanding issues are
resolved in time)
Comment 24 Thomas Preisler 2007-02-13 18:03:06 UTC
Removed MARS keyword. A fix is considered too risky/complicated for 5.5.1 and is
no longer required for Mars release. We would still like to see it fixed in 6.0.
Comment 25 Milos Kleint 2007-03-14 09:46:22 UTC
-> M9
Comment 26 Milos Kleint 2007-05-02 13:22:15 UTC
integrated in trunk. will file the remaining issues as bugs.

IDE: [5/2/07 2:14 PM] Committing started
Checking in test/unit/src/org/netbeans/core/output2/;
new revision: 1.12; previous revision: 1.11
Checking in src/org/netbeans/core/output2/ui/;
/cvs/core/output2/src/org/netbeans/core/output2/ui/,v  <--
new revision: 1.14; previous revision: 1.13
Checking in src/org/netbeans/core/output2/ui/;
new revision: 1.41; previous revision: 1.40
Checking in src/org/netbeans/core/output2/;
/cvs/core/output2/src/org/netbeans/core/output2/,v  <--
new revision: 1.21; previous revision: 1.20
Checking in src/org/netbeans/core/output2/;
/cvs/core/output2/src/org/netbeans/core/output2/,v  <--
new revision: 1.23; previous revision: 1.22
Checking in src/org/netbeans/core/output2/;
/cvs/core/output2/src/org/netbeans/core/output2/,v  <--
new revision: 1.17; previous revision: 1.16
Checking in src/org/netbeans/core/output2/;
/cvs/core/output2/src/org/netbeans/core/output2/,v  <--
new revision: 1.21; previous revision: 1.20
IDE: [5/2/07 2:14 PM] Committing finished
Comment 27 Thomas Preisler 2007-10-09 00:49:10 UTC
I cannot get it to work correctly with a C/C++ program. I'm using the following test program:    

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        char *cp, buf[BUFSIZ];
        printf("prompt: ");
        scanf("%s", buf);
        printf("got: %s\n", buf);
When run in external terminal, I get:
prompt: hello
got: hello

When run from the IDE, I get:
Running "dist/Debug/GNU-MacOSX/application_3" in /Users/thp/NetBeansProjects/Application_3

prompt: got: hello

Note "prompt" has not been flushed.

Question: is there something special we to do on our end to make this work?
You can use the full distribution of NB to duplicate the problem. Create a C/C++ Application, add an empty C++ file and and paste the main from above into it. You switch 
from external terminal execution to output window execution by changing Running|Console Type project property to Output Window.

Comment 28 Milos Kleint 2007-10-09 08:20:39 UTC
the equivalent java program is working fine, so my assumption is that on your end you are feeding the output window in a
wrong way (as was doing ant for some time)
you need to make sure that non-complete lines are read from the programs output and forwarded to the netbeans output
window, currently you probably do a line-by-line forwarding.