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Bug 24361 - Overwrite launcher files on Windows
Summary: Overwrite launcher files on Windows
Alias: None
Product: platform
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Autoupdate (show other bugs)
Version: 3.x
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P3 blocker with 1 vote (vote)
Assignee: Jiri Rechtacek
Keywords: ARCH
: 26830 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 24143
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2002-06-03 22:25 UTC by Jesse Glick
Modified: 2007-11-01 19:07 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Exception Reporter:

updater.jar (60.33 KB, application/octet-stream)
2002-06-06 09:14 UTC, akemr

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Description Jesse Glick 2002-06-03 22:25:56 UTC
One thing that must be checked in order for AU to
work on Windows when updating core.nbm is that
runide.exe and/or updater.jar might be upgraded in
a new core.nbm (installed in global mode). While
the updater is running, it is likely that these
two files (and maybe a couple others like
ide.cfg?) will have Windows file locks on them,
preventing them from being overwritten.

1. If the file contents have not changed, the
updater should do nothing, and avoid a lock error.

2. If the file contents *have* changed, it will
need to figure out something else. Either refuse
the update, try to launch a new process to do it
and exit the current process, ask the user to do
the final step by hand, etc.
Comment 1 _ mihmax 2002-06-04 09:06:53 UTC
updater.jar is updated when updating AU module itself, 
which is also not possible on Windows
Comment 2 akemr 2002-06-04 12:14:15 UTC
1. runide.exe - more difficult, CCing Trung as launcher maintainer

2. updater.jar is other problem. (as Maxym mentioned it's part of
autoupdate.nbm, not core) In that case (windows &&
autoupdate.nbm && updater changed) I can:
 - Replace updater.jar at the end of AU wizard = *before*  
   updater will be started. It can be possible, because 
   updater is independend on other parts of IDE. All update
   will be done via *new* updater. I prefer this way.
 - copy it somewhere and let launcher to replace it after
   finishing updater. All update will be done via *old*
Comment 3 _ mihmax 2002-06-04 13:23:50 UTC
I'm pro the first method,
the updater.jar should be replaced when user clicks OK in 
the final window ("Restart needed").
>- Replace updater.jar at the end of AU wizard = *before*  
> updater will be started. It can be possible, because 
> updater is independend on other parts of IDE. All update
> will be done via *new* updater. I prefer this way.
Comment 4 Jesse Glick 2002-06-04 18:00:04 UTC
First method for updater.jar sounds best too.

Still left with a problem for updating runide.exe. It runs both the
IDE and the updater and will be locked the whole time.
Comment 5 akemr 2002-06-05 14:47:16 UTC
Strange, I tried to install autoupdate.nbm (on my Win2K) with changed
updater.jar and I have no problems! Dont know why, but
it works :-)

Does somebody know, in which configuration it doesn't work?
Comment 6 Jesse Glick 2002-06-05 17:04:38 UTC
Nope, I was just guessing that it would not work, based on problems
I've had with similar situations...never tried it.
Comment 7 akemr 2002-06-06 09:14:08 UTC
Created attachment 6111 [details]
Comment 8 akemr 2002-06-06 09:15:33 UTC
Sorry, I attached this jar by mistake - it should be attached  to
other issue :-)
Comment 9 akemr 2002-06-06 10:16:03 UTC
Fine, it looks like we can close updater part.

Trung, what about runide.exe? I can in (AU wizard) detect that
runide.exe should be updated and e.g. write this information to some
Could launcher in such special case run updater in extra JVM and just
Comment 10 _ ttran 2002-06-10 08:29:18 UTC
Windows locks all .exe files (and .dlls, etc.) when they are being
executed.  This means we cannot replace runide{,w}.exe.  Using
java.exe to run the updater in special case does not work because
there must be a parent runide.exe somewhere anyway.

One possible solution is:

runide.exe checks for any runide_?.exe in the same directory (for
example runide_1.exe) and if the latter is newer than the former then
the latter is exec'ed in place of the former.  NT Emacs port does
this.  However I am not sure if we really want to go that far.

For now I would be satisfied with the fact that runide.exe is not
auto-updateable.  We don't support runide.exe in userdir anyway.
Comment 11 Jesse Glick 2002-06-10 15:35:47 UTC
I know runide.exe is not supported in the userdir - in fact AU will
only permit core.nbm to be unpacked in the install dir. But
*something* needs to be fixed: at least my #1 - if file contents have
not changed, do not try to unpack. Currently even with an unchanged
runide.exe you will (I guess) get an IOException unpacking.
Comment 12 akemr 2002-06-12 09:35:13 UTC
#1 works now, so I'm changing this to ENHANCEMENT to
somehow implement replacing runide.exe
Comment 13 Marek Grummich 2002-07-22 08:24:48 UTC
Target milestone was changed from '3.4' to TBD.
Comment 14 akemr 2002-10-02 10:24:08 UTC
*** Issue 26830 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***
Comment 15 Marian Mirilovic 2002-12-06 18:50:16 UTC
reassigne to Hrebejk, new owner of autupdate 
Comment 16 Marian Mirilovic 2003-12-01 10:49:32 UTC
reassigne to Jirka - new owner of autoupdate
Comment 17 Peter Zavadsky 2005-01-26 23:05:59 UTC
It seems there is comming a way for us how to build our own launchers
(CC'in Yarda). Removing the status whiteboard 'keyword'.
Comment 18 Jaroslav Tulach 2006-03-28 14:10:36 UTC
Btw. I'd like to note that it is possible to overwrite .exe files on windows I 
just did from module install:

File f = ".../lib/nbexec.exe"
f.renameTo(new File(f.getParentFile(), "nbexec.old");

and now one can write to the file f. I propose to improve AutoUpdate updater 
to check for situations when it cannot overwrite some file and if on windows, 
then try to rename it, delete on exit and write to the original file which is 
going to be open for overwriting.
Comment 19 Jesse Glick 2006-03-28 17:37:07 UTC
Huh, nice trick. Basically moving the inode.

Can you move to ${}? I guess you have to take care that it is on
the same drive?
Comment 20 Jaroslav Tulach 2006-03-29 09:17:35 UTC
autoupdate/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/autoupdate/ has been branched to 
nbexec_24361 and contains a test to simulate the problem.
Comment 21 Jaromir Uhrik 2007-10-18 17:50:52 UTC
I just want to confirm that this issue is still valid. It is possible to update launcher on unix system but on windows
it throws the following exception: D:\build\60\beta2\1018\netbeans\platform7\lib\nbexec.exe (The process cannot access the
file because it is being used by another process)
        at Method)
        at org.netbeans.updater.ModuleUpdater.unpack(
Comment 22 Jiri Rechtacek 2007-10-25 10:09:35 UTC
Tag: nbexec_24361
User: jrechtacek
Date: 2007/10/25 01:42:34
Modified: autoupdate/services/libsrc/org/netbeans/updater/
Log: a failed code
The trick haven't worked for me. I'll debugging it later, the best is get it for NB6.
Comment 23 rmatous 2007-11-01 11:38:32 UTC
autoupdate/services/libsrc/org/netbeans/updater/ 1.16
Comment 24 Jaromir Uhrik 2007-11-01 19:07:26 UTC
Verified. It is really working now.