This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Fri May 31 2024 13:55:34 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
85131 java Editor dbalek NEW --- code completion in writing method adds code inder current method 2006-12-14
91004 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Pressing return while editing does all sorts of annoying things 2006-12-18
93313 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show JavaDoc from interface / super class 2007-01-26
94536 java Editor dbalek NEW --- All code completion keystroke accelerators should be re-assignable 2007-02-12
94837 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [CodeGen] Textfield for name of delegating method 2007-02-12
98041 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Consider providing support for resolving not yet imported classes 2007-03-23
100210 java Editor dbalek NEW --- smart completion and normal completion 2007-04-13
106816 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add 'wrap string' option 2007-06-18
107195 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Popup the code completion automatically 2007-06-19
96750 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ctrl+I (Implement method) should regard maximum line length (e.g. 80 characters) 2007-09-19
31954 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [Override Methods] overriding of doesn't work correctly 2007-09-19
116451 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Need a way to specify arrays in scope in code templates 2007-09-24
120775 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Extend code completion pop-up with private members in "Evaluate Expression..." dialog 2007-11-01
123560 java Editor dbalek NEW --- ability to disable the seperate blank line formatting options 2007-12-06
118633 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [60cat] "this" object as a candidate for method arg auto-populate 2007-12-27
126190 java Editor abadea NEW --- editor-shortcut for getting name of actual method 2008-01-30
130814 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Keep property position when generating setter and getter 2008-03-25
130820 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Keep consecutive statements on the same line 2008-03-25
132011 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generic anonymous classes 2008-04-04
95658 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Java method completion does not offer "overrides" 2008-04-25
136152 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add semicolon when finishing static import of field 2008-05-30
136082 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Space is added before parameter list even if the list is empty (void) 2008-06-06
159656 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Option for Java Blank Lines between methods 2009-03-05
144926 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Wrong autoformat of long string concatenation 2009-07-03
66227 java Editor dprusa REOP --- Fix Imports and misspelled/missing types 2009-08-06
170315 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Suggest a variable name based on editor errors. 2009-08-14
170956 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Argument guessing doesn't consider outer "this" references 2009-09-04
154896 java Editor dbalek NEW --- CC for constructor with superclass constructor parameters 2009-12-02
116602 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ability to OR in instanceof clauses 2009-12-04
116599 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ability to detect primitive types (or their wrappers) in instanceof clauses 2009-12-04
121489 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Disable automatic insertion of variables/values 2009-12-22
155516 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Smarter code completion based on surrounding context 2010-01-02
52088 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Make "Fix imports" remember preferences 2010-01-11
157710 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Insert Code->equals creates incorrect code for BigDecimal 2010-01-11
158920 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Editable documentation 2010-01-11
159875 java Editor dbalek NEW --- guess better the used classes to do imports 2010-01-11
160708 java Editor dbalek NEW --- jump to next/previous compiler warning 2010-01-11
161207 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [67cat] GMore likely trigger for generation of constructors 2010-01-11
161861 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add online help for JAVA language. 2010-01-11
162703 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Options/editor/setting do not disable some operations. 2010-01-11
164011 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add a "Extend class/Implement interface" feature 2010-01-11
164623 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Print to HTML" doesn't render grammar-based highlighting 2010-01-11
165252 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Slow Members View in Navigator 2010-01-11
167194 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Missing options item from old "Advanced Options" 2010-01-11
167609 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Turning off automatic insertion of @author tag in Javadoc comments 2010-01-11
167631 java Editor dbalek NEW --- 'Insert Code.../Add Property' should check for existing property methods 2010-01-11
167992 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Would like generated (Java) equals() to be different 2010-01-11
168167 java Editor dbalek REOP --- [67cat] No usages found for anonymous class method 2010-01-11
168343 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Please don't highlight errors until I save 2010-01-11
170668 java Editor dbalek NEW --- ALT+Enter/ hints to change declaring method 2010-01-11
170785 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add possibility to highlight selected source package in project tree browser 2010-01-11
171777 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [68cat] [editor] Insert code should use property access in @Entities 2010-01-11
174844 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Syntax coloring for functions 2010-01-11
175306 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add one more type of comments in Java 2010-01-11
176306 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [68cat] CC doesn't offer method overrides in interfaces 2010-01-11
176860 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generate Constructor doesn't offer fields with initial value. 2010-01-11
177166 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [68cat] RFE : code template to add "import static" 2010-01-11
177386 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Buttons to select/deselect property 2010-01-11
178870 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Control over javadoc snippet creation 2010-01-11
145350 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generated constructor does not assign first field 2010-01-11
9340 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Clear undo after writing into guarded blocks in Java Editor 2010-01-11
28700 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Permit to delete/modify GUARDED BLOCKS when no .FORM file is associated to the source. 2010-01-11
171341 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Disable annotations icons 2010-01-11
179529 java Editor dbalek NEW --- find usages of constructors or class instantiations 2010-01-15
40065 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Detect insertion of )'s when remainder of line contains only )'s and ;'s 2010-01-23
139932 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show color in tooltip when java.awt.Color is defined in the source view 2010-01-29
180170 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generated parameter names for generic types should use actual type names 2010-02-02
181497 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Change package import order 2010-03-03
182410 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Autocompletion for Generics 2010-03-25
176497 java Editor dbalek NEW --- NotNull and friends 2010-04-09
185719 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [69cat] Rename + Apply to comments should have smaller scope 2010-05-07
189669 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Expose GoToSupport.DisplayNameElementVisitor functionality 2010-08-19
61913 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Adding of items via pop-up in Exporer should paste code more wisely 2010-09-23
117071 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Include comments and Javadoc in formatting samples 2010-09-23
122904 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Support one line enum formatting 2010-09-23
47858 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [40cat] A seperate font is needed for JavaDoc comments and block comments. 2010-09-23
49558 java Editor dbalek NEW --- request "implements interface" in tool menu 2010-09-23
56030 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add automatic UML to/from code feature 2010-09-23
56705 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Identify Unnecessary Import Statements Intelligently 2010-09-23
59002 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide code fold region for long field declarations 2010-09-23
59092 java Editor dbalek NEW --- add approximate fields option in code synchronziation 2010-09-23
59509 java Editor dbalek NEW --- auto-import should also work when the use types the full class name 2010-09-23
61022 java Editor dbalek REOP --- fix imports should optional generate package imports. 2010-09-23
63349 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Color instance variables and method arguments 2010-09-23
67219 java Editor dbalek NEW --- move some general settings/options code from Java module to new language independent module 2010-09-23
70119 java Editor dbalek NEW --- refactor needs access to readonly lines 2010-09-23
70718 java Editor dbalek NEW --- inherited method indication 2010-09-23
71143 java Editor dbalek NEW --- enhancement of the camel case completion 2010-09-23
72657 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Functions that might be added to enhance Java files edition. 2010-09-23
72672 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Distinguish local and class fields 2010-09-23
72855 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Override methods... adds sources not at current cursor position 2010-09-23
73029 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Static code preview 2010-09-23
73453 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add ability to restrict the projects that FindUsages searches. 2010-09-23
74757 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Copy/paste verifier lightbulb message text 2010-09-23
76386 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Improved variable display on mouseover 2010-09-23
76387 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show variable accessibility in debugger 2010-09-23
76391 java Editor dbalek NEW --- improved reloading of files edited outside the IDE 2010-09-23
76839 java Editor dbalek NEW --- API-ify JavaFastOpenPanel 2010-09-23
77861 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Enhancement on Netbeans Javadoc Engine 2010-09-23
79562 java Editor dbalek NEW --- SurroundWithTryCatch to be module aware 2010-09-23
79564 java Editor dbalek NEW --- SurroundWithTryCatch to put declarations above try 2010-09-23
79569 java Editor dbalek NEW --- SurroundWithTryCatch to handle partial selections? 2010-09-23
79728 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "implement abstract methods" fix should copy javadoc from source methods 2010-09-23
82291 java Editor dbalek NEW --- 5.5 Beta 2 - Surrounding with a try-catch does not set variable to null 2010-09-23
87732 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Use the Library Manager to specify javadoc" is wrong for JDK 2010-09-23
87901 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Tools > Library Manager ... add a rename function 2010-09-23
88826 java Editor dbalek NEW --- CC Improvement: replace old variable with new one 2010-09-23
90646 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Improve OOBE of registering Javadoc in doc window 2010-09-23
90803 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Reporting an error message in code 2010-09-23
90939 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Commenting lines... 2010-09-23
190917 java Editor dbalek NEW --- javadoc for return keyword 2010-10-11
192145 java Editor dbalek NEW --- RFE: Generate... -> null params checking 2010-11-19
114017 java Editor dbalek NEW --- I18N - provide properties/options to change ide global font name and font size 2010-12-20
192452 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Marking of unimpllemented methods 2011-01-03
194070 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix all imports should be in the menu provided by editor hints which recognizes a class needs to be imported 2011-01-06
194103 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [70cat] Have CC include array brackets for non-instantiable types 2011-01-06
107200 java Editor dbalek NEW --- CC should inform the user if type isn't imported 2011-07-10
90456 java Editor dbalek NEW --- replacement for JavaSettings.getDefault().setParsingErrors(int) 2011-08-31
123269 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Java Line Comment Color setting is missing 2011-08-31
203953 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Generate Override Methods" does not sort overloaded methods alphabetically 2011-10-19
164487 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Better support for static imports in java editor 2011-10-20
149781 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Support labels in code completion 2011-10-20
204107 java Editor dbalek NEW --- EnumSet suggestions for method arguments/fields that are Sets of an enum type 2011-10-23
173272 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code templates: 'equals' should be followed by a left parenthesis 2011-11-04
185097 java Editor dbalek NEW --- clone overridden is protected instead of public 2011-11-16
195758 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Javadoc tags containing non-letter characters are only partially highlighted 2011-11-16
153970 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [68cat] CC for variable declaration suggests one-character no-op completion 2011-11-25
207245 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion adds extra new line if generics part of declaration is already present 2012-01-12
207647 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Format refactoring in JavaDoc 2012-01-23
55588 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code folding extensions 2012-02-10
199351 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add the option of collapsing private and package-private methods as sub items of the collapse by default code folding option 2012-02-10
208980 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ctrl-Alt-Click should navigate to single implementation when not overridden 2012-02-29
209248 java Editor dbalek NEW --- toString() Insert Code enhancement 2012-03-07
60853 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide SPI for hooking into Fix Imports 2012-03-07
209281 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide SPI which enables custom Fix Imports action 2012-03-07
209371 java Editor dbalek NEW --- When declaring a method { should go after closing parenthesis 2012-03-09
209160 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Javadoc window should resize to match content 2012-03-12
209688 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Improve auto-completion inside an anonymous class 2012-03-17
209689 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Improve auto-completion by checking for spelling mistakes 2012-03-17
207473 java Editor dbalek REOP --- code completion does not work anymore in 7.1 2012-03-26
165070 java Editor moonko NEW --- Fix Imports UI should be the same as for JavaFX 2012-04-05
156888 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix Imports UI should be the same as for JavaFX 2012-04-05
211203 java Editor dbalek NEW --- More detailed choices in Tools -> Create Tests 2012-04-14
208419 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion feature not work while download index repository from Maven 2012-06-18
214908 java Editor dbalek NEW --- New annotation @SuperclassBasedActionAnnotation 2012-06-28
214902 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Introduce Preserve option for formatting of chained method calls 2012-06-29
212716 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion: Use parameter names, when no variable in context found 2012-08-27
218127 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Action for getting stacktrace location 2012-09-22
219214 java Editor dbalek NEW --- when suggest adding @Override to child/implement method, the parent javadoc would also could be copied from parent. 2012-09-29
71180 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Allow to fold multiline non-javadoc comments 2012-10-04
219660 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "toggle comment" should work on selection, if available 2012-10-07
219662 java Editor dbalek NEW --- CodeCompletion on constructor should complete constants from same class 2012-10-07
219663 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion should show nearest matching element at the top 2012-10-07
219664 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion should lookup for items in classes which contain the target type in their names 2012-10-07
219877 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Missing class name warnings 2012-10-11
219878 java Editor dbalek NEW --- better codecompletion with generics 2012-10-11
213885 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Formatting of imports lacks sample content 2012-10-19
220444 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Quick fix for attempted reference to an inaccessible private member 2012-10-19
220610 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [73cat] Camel Case navigation action & keybinding 2012-10-22
220856 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Formatting configurations for annotations 2012-10-25
104712 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Code completion popup should abbreviate Types rather than methods/variables 2012-10-26
221763 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Find usages: Support starting a "call hierarchy" for a selected method 2012-11-08
115424 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Have a 'wrap Javadoc' option 2012-11-28
196999 java Editor dbalek NEW --- More on better syntax highlighting. 2012-11-29
159689 java Editor dbalek NEW --- practice ordering catch blocks 2012-11-29
155416 java Editor dbalek NEW --- New type of Java editor that splits static/instance/member sections into subtabs 2012-11-29
103829 java Editor phrebejk NEW --- Provide "check all" and "uncheck all" in Generate Getter and Setter 2012-11-30
223489 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Java Text Copy and Paste Enhancements - Working with Text Languages In Java and Other Editors with NetBeans 2012-12-07
173639 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [68cat] java/csl editor features not consistent 2012-12-11
165138 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Open Type is slow 2012-12-17
164398 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fold by default uninteresting parts of the code 2012-12-17
224244 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Organise Members: Show icons in options dialog 2012-12-26
224533 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Enchanement for unimplemented methods - add //TODO Not yet implemented - function name 2013-01-07
192148 java Editor dbalek NEW --- import guess improvement 2013-01-08
225002 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Delegating method, Add support for prefixes 2013-01-17
225482 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Comment indentation support 2013-01-29
35686 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Integrate tools and/or content to support developers learning Java 2013-01-31
65778 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [50cat] ctrl-space would first propose classes and not interfaces / abstract classes after a new. 2013-01-31
225573 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Highlighting annotations that applies to currently selected field 2013-02-01
225651 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Don't repeatedly show "Not using compile on save" warning 2013-02-01
225681 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Wrap generated getters + setters, and hashCode() + equals() to //<editor-fold> 2013-02-04
168306 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Fiximports blocks while scanning is occuring 2013-02-09
227003 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Sensible default Import Layout should be provided out of the box 2013-03-15
227896 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add option to 'Open Type' in dependent and/or closed projects 2013-03-25
220420 java Editor dbalek NEW --- When generating setter allow to configure final usage 2013-03-25
219031 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [73cat][java][Editor]Allow user to disable Import classes dialog on code paste 2013-04-19
230214 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Reformat code should not split empty anonymous inner classes 2013-05-24
230586 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Introduce keep or no option during formatting 2013-05-31
228314 java Editor dbalek REOP --- "quick rename" shortcut conflicts with "full rename" shortcut 2013-06-04
162991 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [67cat] equals/hashcode generator support for contract between methods 2013-06-06
232215 java Editor dbalek NEW --- After "Implement method" action, the cursor is not in the right place. 2013-07-03
232293 java Editor dbalek NEW --- No spaces option in code format for empty parentheses 2013-07-05
232726 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Improve scrollbars for Formatting Java Comments dialog 2013-07-15
157853 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generate equals() and hashCode() dialog could use "Select all" button 2013-07-26
233955 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Hotkey for temporary turning off variable usage highlight in Netbeans 2013-08-05
228319 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "emulate" multi-line literals in java editors 2013-08-10
190328 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Feature request: Highlight all method exit points when placing curson on "return" keyword 2013-08-10
189548 java Editor dbalek NEW --- vertical method navigator 2013-08-10
99783 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add action for jumping to next, previous member 2013-08-10
124868 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Space should accept code completion item 2013-08-10
227372 java Editor dbalek NEW --- @Override as "On Save"-action 2013-08-10
227390 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Select all and deselect all on code generation dialogs 2013-08-10
233396 java Editor issues NEW --- Insert Code / hashCode and equals() Popup Dialoge 2013-08-10
233397 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Insert Code/hashCode, equals, toString: offer an alternative Implementation 2013-08-16
235021 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Support for arrays index in smart code completion 2013-08-27
233360 java Editor dbalek NEW --- JavaDoc code completion should support new JDK 8 tags 2013-08-30
130177 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Render Type Parameters: section in javadoc view 2013-09-02
124617 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Allow per-project templating of exception handling (and similar generated) code 2013-09-02
80019 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ability to jump to anonymous class 2013-09-02
104893 java Editor dbalek NEW --- should add editor toolbar buttons for element selection 2013-09-02
41721 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Rules for FQN on Import Management Tool 2013-09-02
134429 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Autocompletion in class-inside-method should include non-final matches in method scope 2013-09-02
109903 java Editor dbalek NEW --- For methods without body, "Mark Occurrences" should not mean "Mark Exit Points". 2013-09-02
11208 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Improved modification of the code in guarded section by simplified diff 2013-09-02
138544 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Plugin Manager should make it easy to get NetBeans API sources 2013-09-02
104850 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code Indentation Formats 2013-09-02
108162 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Folding of long String array definition 2013-09-02
157402 java Editor dbalek NEW --- RFE: exceptions throw points highlighting 2013-09-02
156813 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Merge Go To Source and Go To Super Implementation 2013-09-02
24397 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Implement Design Pattern templates 2013-09-02
135372 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Refactoring: Suggest to replace only method usage with the code 2013-09-02
58787 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add the ability to personalize as template the generated code by the overriding action 2013-09-02
104458 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Comment line action should move to head of next line 2013-09-02
67209 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Display javadoc in Override methods dialog 2013-09-02
101133 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Improve Ctrl-semicolon action 2013-09-02
23629 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Display compiled-out statements grayed-out 2013-09-02
123324 java Editor dbalek NEW --- InsertSemicolonAction should ignore trailing spaces 2013-09-02
100368 java Editor dbalek NEW --- smart positioning of '{' 2013-09-02
115423 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide 'Toggle implementation' feature 2013-09-02
139783 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add "quick hierarchy" for methods 2013-09-02
67214 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide preview list of selected methods in Override and Implement methods dialog 2013-09-02
131990 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Don't mark private serialization methods as unused 2013-09-02
100132 java Editor dbalek NEW --- on/off for deprecation warnings 2013-09-02
106773 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Editor suggesstion: 'Create class/interface/enum MyClass' 2013-09-02
138585 java Editor dbalek NEW --- unused method should test callers 2013-09-02
136076 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generate SerialVersionUID 2013-09-02
82386 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Override method dialog shoud show methods with package access. 2013-09-02
120614 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Import class on the left side of assignment 2013-09-02
203870 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Updating imports after pasting code does not include static imports 2013-09-02
119692 java Editor dbalek NEW --- overriden method is not highlighted when 'parent' is selected 2013-09-02
7956 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [Override Methods] Overrided methods can support javadoc too 2013-09-02
123080 java Editor dbalek STAR --- code complete... menu only does one thing at a time 2013-09-02
149777 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Make code compeletion a javadoc window same high 2013-09-02
137873 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Auto indent when new braces added 2013-09-02
131867 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [65cat] Support for setting parameters as final. 2013-09-02
153176 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Go to source" on abstract classes and methods should provide option for selecting implementation. 2013-09-02
98921 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ask for importing classes when copy code 2013-09-02
69493 java Editor dbalek NEW --- A useful live template for firing events 2013-09-02
70990 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide two color settings for javadoc comment and non javadoc comment 2013-09-02
109016 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code-complete should suggest static factory methods 2013-09-02
112010 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Getter / setter generation should recognize members with _ 2013-09-02
125295 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Complete line action should respect comments 2013-09-02
105680 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Case statement code completion of enums should only show unused items 2013-09-02
118266 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Override list is missing entries for some annotated classes 2013-09-02
127015 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Highlight matching Generics bracket 2013-09-02
96312 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Please add a code template for re-throwing exceptions 2013-09-02
145208 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [65cat] Code completion/imports 2013-09-02
109906 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Make "Mark Occurrences" of "Exit Points From Method" work on "return" keyword. 2013-09-02
105576 java Editor dbalek NEW --- An option for the initial state of the override dialog 2013-09-02
69874 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [50cat] Overrride and Implement Methods Dialog does not show constructors to override 2013-09-02
72584 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix Imports should also remove FQN's from the code and create appropriate imports 2013-09-02
151358 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ability to auto-close regular /* */ style comments in the same way as javadoc comments 2013-09-02
125413 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Rename after Change to Definition 2013-09-02
126247 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Equals method generation should include this != other 2013-09-02
74703 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [EE-15] Code completion works for unknown types 2013-09-02
144540 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [65cat] support "sorting rules" for code formatting 2013-09-02
82475 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fast import should be able to import class form java.lang 2013-09-02
134675 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Generate constructor" does not generate JavaDoc 2013-09-02
138854 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [PERFORMANCE] Commenting out code is slow 2013-09-02
96585 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Regression on 6.0 m7 - the code complemention does't work ! 2013-09-02
47990 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Keyboard accessibility of Fix Imports dialog 2013-09-02
47599 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [40cat] functionalify lost from Import Management Tool 2013-09-02
111974 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Bracket completion for missing generics 2013-09-02
81795 java Editor dbalek NEW --- JDK mask 2013-09-02
119694 java Editor dbalek NEW --- code-sense does not work for inner class 2013-09-02
135267 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Configurable syntax checking (parsing) delay 2013-09-02
129599 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add comment formatting option 2013-09-02
105058 java Editor dbalek NEW --- In-place rename should work for type parameters too 2013-09-02
138984 java Editor dbalek NEW --- equals/hashCode support for Google Collections 2013-09-02
72297 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Syntax highlighting per (group of) jars 2013-09-02
126127 java Editor dbalek NEW --- add a palette with code snippets for java source files 2013-09-02
132001 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Adds newline after end of line comment on reformat 2013-09-02
57703 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [65cat][60cat][41cat] Add 'compile' to editor's context menu 2013-09-02
94261 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix imports should favor project's local classes 2013-09-02
114190 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Allow to distinguish the standard coment and javadoc comment 2013-09-02
138221 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Propose auto-modify of access modifier in quickfix 2013-09-02
57960 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [50cat] Import automatically added as class instead of package 2013-09-02
116997 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [60cat] Provide better equals() and hashCode() for array fields 2013-09-02
157264 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Java language support for JSR 292 2013-09-02
119678 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add new method to an interface, and implementing classes don't show red error icon 2013-09-02
104645 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [CodeGen] Make quick search work also in collapsed nodes 2013-09-02
145149 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [65cat] Fix imports should really only show imports with choices 2013-09-02
124163 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Have "Generate hashCode()" generate positive instead of negative tests 2013-09-02
130226 java Editor dbalek NEW --- syntax highlighting: superclass members 2013-09-02
151696 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show Documention should work within a javadoc 2013-09-02
125121 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Quick fix for "B extends A without default constructor" 2013-09-02
148465 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Javodoc window does not move together with main window 2013-09-02
97618 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Just a top level discussion of features Eclipse users miss in the Netbeans Java editor 2013-09-02
138997 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Auto Completion for properties files 2013-09-02
130225 java Editor dbalek NEW --- syntax highlighting on fields: private, package, protected, public 2013-09-02
22217 java Editor dbalek NEW --- auto creation of * in entering comments should be followed by space 2013-09-02
130161 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Simple navigation to overriding methods 2013-09-02
89176 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Support easy reordering of paramaters in method decl and invocation 2013-09-02
135373 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Refactoring: Suggest intelligent types for variable. 2013-09-02
135567 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Spaces for the code formatter 2013-09-02
99196 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Restructuring or reorganizing code 2013-09-02
149168 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Turn some of the methods in Utilities to an API 2013-09-02
140449 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Impossible to place debug breakpoint in the gutter. 2013-09-02
132042 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Do not open code completion if there is space before the "." 2013-09-02
151374 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ability to change method/constructor templates 2013-09-02
133103 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Request for "refresh" button on Error Badges 2013-09-02
104909 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ability to inline-rename generic types 2013-09-02
65619 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Indentation engine: indent braces too 2013-09-02
122240 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Would like to fold catch clauses 2013-09-02
129817 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Allow formating text in a columnar way 2013-09-02
135624 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Display unimplemented methods for implementing on the top 2013-09-02
124146 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Synchronize error indicators in Projects/Files with error stripe indicator 2013-09-02
133935 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Option to toggle auto-space with comments 2013-09-02
105315 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Use different color highlight for exception exit points 2013-09-02
129600 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Newlines between methods - add an option to preserve them 2013-09-02
100319 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Generate" action for constructors should also copy JavaDoc from the super class 2013-09-02
142159 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [65cat] Code completion to create constructors with parameters 2013-09-02
108059 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Extend intelligent appending of ";" to the end of the line so it includes "{" 2013-09-02
92506 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Auto initialization for created local variables 2013-09-02
154139 java Editor dbalek NEW --- GWT support (UI designer needed) 2013-09-02
86957 java Editor dbalek NEW --- RFE: ability to format statement labels 2013-09-02
118113 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Change background color of very left part of the editor 2013-09-02
97530 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show generic types in some other color or font attributes 2013-09-02
107219 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Change "Generate Code" to "Insert Code" 2013-09-02
153466 java Editor dbalek NEW --- JavaDoc for "Encapsulate methods" could be better 2013-09-02
155484 java Editor dbalek NEW --- There is no option to override methods in a specific order 2013-09-02
104913 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Smart code completion should understand autoboxing 2013-09-02
12181 java Editor dbalek NEW --- (on tabs) showing both dirty and compile flags at same time redundant 2013-09-02
100458 java Editor dbalek NEW --- breakpoint on the line with java hint 2013-09-04
116818 java Editor dbalek NEW --- surround with ... inserts wrong logging code 2013-09-05
235585 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Hyperlink classes and methods from error messages 2013-09-06
236067 java Editor dbalek NEW --- No "same line, indented" option in java braces placement 2013-09-17
236089 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Allow easy / one click fixing of broken imports 2013-09-19
236242 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show recursive call in left gutter 2013-09-22
236461 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [Code completion] wrongly recognize generic types 2013-10-01
236318 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "//" should be automatically added when comments are divided 2013-10-04
231803 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Moving the code with ALT+SHIFT+UP or ALT+SHIFT+DOWN should follow proper indentation 2013-10-06
124283 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Don't list multiple overloads of the same method name in code completion for static imports 2013-10-30
237723 java Editor dbalek NEW --- deprecated attribute passed incorrectly 2013-10-31
238056 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [Generate equals&hashCode] There is no visual indication of selected list 2013-11-06
57853 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix Import should default to favorite classes 2013-11-08
238890 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show javadoc when ctrl-hovering over parameter 2013-11-27
131052 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Combine "Show Code Completion Tip Popup" with "Show Documentation Popup" 2013-11-28
143745 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Double click selecting a bracket/brace selects a block of code 2013-12-07
239196 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [Shift+Enter] allow adding blank line after "grey" lines 2013-12-18
115535 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add "Remove unused imports" to options dialog 2013-12-18
239810 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Insert code..."->"Add Property..." in java editor allows reserved keywords as name 2013-12-26
240249 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Missing descriptions for the code templates for java 2014-01-13
240357 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Move up in AST Test Case Fail 2014-01-13
241117 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Can not navigate between Code and Diff view via ALT-LEFT or ALT-RIGHT 2014-01-29
242039 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Program to interface in netbeans 2014-02-23
204263 java Editor dbalek NEW --- New keyboard shortcut: Pull previous statement up to current statement 2014-02-27
242491 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Unable to change break indententation 2014-03-03
242521 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Autocomplete to override equals() should fill in the same code as it does via "Generate missing equals(Object)" hint or Insert Code... 2014-03-03
242684 java Editor dbalek NEW --- There is no option to disable just quote auto-completion in java 2014-03-10
243436 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Support 'paste' in 'File members' (STRG-F12) view 2014-04-01
243842 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Do not highlight exceptions caught by previous catch clause 2014-04-15
244042 java Editor dbalek NEW --- keyboard shortcut: insert empty block at end of line 2014-04-24
237957 java Editor dbalek NEW --- option to keep file tab open when file is closed 2014-05-08
244549 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add "implement default method" for conflicting interfaces 2014-05-16
185141 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [69cat] No CamelCase code completion for Javadoc tags 2014-05-21
244839 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Incorrect Error Reporting On Uninitialized Object 2014-06-05
49573 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix Imports should make use of assignment type 2014-06-16
245117 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [Formatting] multiline alignment of and/or conditions 2014-06-18
89714 java Editor issues NEW --- "Run File" should work for any class with a "main" 2014-07-08
245727 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ctrl+Alt+PERIOD should jump to errors before warnings 2014-07-16
245992 java Editor dbalek NEW --- View option to show unicode codepoint or the character itself for non-ASCII characters in literals 2014-07-25
234976 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Formatting >> Java Comments: "Add Leading Star" without "Format Block Comment" 2014-07-30
246171 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Support to copy external files into the project 2014-07-31
246447 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Embrace variable next to cursor when opening parethesis is written 2014-08-14
246487 java Editor dbalek NEW --- auto formatting of java code when we type ';' 2014-08-18
114326 java Editor dbalek NEW --- getter / setter generation wizard: allow selection of access modifiers 2014-09-01
246794 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Constructor generation wizard: allow selection of access modifier 2014-09-01
247112 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Implemented method from interface not shown 2014-09-15
247939 java Editor dbalek NEW --- sout doesn't work propertly in lambda 2014-10-17
249089 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generate constructor, setters, should have modifier options 2014-12-03
206775 java Editor dbalek NEW --- hashCode generation on JDK 7 should use java.util.Objects.hash(...) 2014-12-09
132112 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code-complete should only list unused cases 2015-01-02
153677 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Format code doesn't handle double brace initialization 2015-01-09
159385 java Editor dbalek NEW --- AI in fix imports 2015-01-23
250326 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ctrl+P doesn't show parameters for non-first arguments 2015-02-10
250432 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Complete <> automatically 2015-02-21
250784 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Insert Code: JavaDoc and generation of events and collection accessors 2015-02-28
219261 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generating equals() and hashCode() should allow to include parents fields 2015-03-02
250882 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Automatically update Javadoc @author when the class changes 2015-03-04
250979 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add text filter for maven search results 2015-03-06
251079 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Progress of warnings generation isn't displayed 2015-03-10
251197 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Constructor generation should ignore transient fields 2015-03-16
198838 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code template for pre-creation of return type code 2015-03-22
178501 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Copying & pasting Java code automatically adds missing imports of classes and static fields/methods that are used in the copied code 2015-04-07
170010 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generate Constructor should propose to take super constructor parameters into account 2015-04-12
247899 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Error reported by Netbeans when implementing the ServletContextAware interface of spring (TestClass is not abstract and does not override abstract method setServletContext(ServletContext) in ServletContextAware) 2015-04-13
251807 java Editor dbalek NEW --- formatting wraps lines even when all wrapping options are set to "never" 2015-04-13
135629 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Better support for generics in the java editor 2015-04-16
252214 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Go to implementation doesn't find JDK implementations 2015-05-03
252208 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generate UUID, with the canonical hex string representation pasted into code editor at caret. 2015-05-04
50386 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Key binding for jumping to next method and prev method 2015-05-07
71646 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Show alternative code from javadoc for deprecated code 2015-05-09
252329 java Editor dbalek NEW --- method and property completion on implicit lambda parameter assumes the type to be Object until parenthesis are added 2015-05-11
252364 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Use AI techniques and/or code analysis for auto-completion 2015-05-12
252525 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Live deadlock when editing files 2015-05-21
252345 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Feature request: Insert code, insert main methode 2015-06-01
252381 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Insert code: Logger is inconsistent with templates 2015-06-01
252645 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Step-down Rule 2015-06-10
253039 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix imports should better handle code with parsing errors 2015-07-01
253359 java Editor dbalek NEW --- wrap line before dot in lambda 2015-07-08
252559 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Wrong code completion when same constructor is choosen as currently in progress 2015-07-24
237830 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Favorite static items for code completion 2015-07-26
253801 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion show hint "Show javadoc with CTRL-SHIFT-SPACE" in CC footer if automatic javadoc popup is disabled 2015-07-26
123295 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generator for equals() and hashCode() allows to create invalid code 2015-07-26
96449 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Generate toString(), hashCode(), compareTo(), equals() methods using Apache commons framework calls 2015-07-26
243706 java Editor dbalek NEW --- JavaDoc comments containing HTML mark-up are unreadable after formatting. 2015-07-28
254081 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Find usages for maven local repository works only for class not method 2015-08-02
254160 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Show Javadoc does not show document in external browser 2015-08-06
254359 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [81cat] Wrong Enum formatting 2015-09-02
254991 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Options -> Editor -> Code completion -> Language(Java), enable by default "Auto Popup on Typing Any Java Identifier Part" and "Subword completion" 2015-09-04
255191 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [81cat] CC should suggests constants when possible 2015-09-10
181304 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide diff element from Navigation Members view 2015-09-11
217434 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Allow "Formatting > Blank Lines" to set attribute to "ignore" 2015-09-16
254750 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Poor editor performance with large JavaDoc content 2015-09-21
255467 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Turning JavaDoc formatting off regresses from pre JavaDoc formatting versions (7.1?) 2015-09-22
255462 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide the ability to format JavaDoc similar to the JDK 2015-09-22
153977 java Editor sdedic NEW --- Let syntax highlighting 'hide' usages of Logger 2015-10-02
73166 java Editor sdedic NEW --- Allow folding of annotations 2015-10-02
240851 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Throw warning on source code that can't be Serialized 2015-10-02
252296 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add CC entries to create new object 2015-10-05
228796 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Filter "generate" items by typing 2015-10-05
225682 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Let generated setters optionally return this 2015-10-05
242506 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add option to show "implement" hints above "override" hints 2015-10-06
89481 java Editor dbalek NEW --- JavaDoc popup window should be resizable 2015-10-08
253509 java Editor dbalek NEW --- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 4286 2015-10-09
255850 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Hint Javadoc button will only use first Javadoc URL in library list 2015-10-15
255938 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Different "@deprecated" IDE detection on interface and class method definitions 2015-10-15
255991 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Rename deletes part of code 2015-10-18
256435 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code auto-completion handles generic wildcards inaccurately 2015-11-07
256437 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion creates code with generic inner classes that won't compile because of static context 2015-11-07
256438 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code completion references class without proper generic types and code won't compile 2015-11-07
256455 java Editor dbalek NEW --- not possible to have "else if" on one line together with keeping braces in case of "else { if ... }" 2015-11-09
256391 java Editor dbalek NEW --- JavaDoc View is not showing all standard annotations 2015-11-09
236681 java Editor dbalek NEW --- NullPointerException at 2015-11-13
256609 java Editor dbalek NEW --- [regression] Pressing enter after a commented line places the cursor at the 0 marker 2015-11-15
256632 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Fix Import prompts user to resolve symbol that is already resolved 2015-11-19
256384 java Editor dbalek NEW --- AssertionError: Should be called in EDT only! 2015-11-20
237604 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Unintentional directory creation 2015-11-20
241165 java Editor dbalek NEW --- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1924 2015-11-21
256787 java Editor dbalek NEW --- change visibility in navigator 2015-11-25
246924 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Navigate -> Go to Implementation should not show declaring interface name 2015-11-26
246410 java Editor dbalek REOP --- No code completion if you write the whole word to fast. 2015-12-03
256938 java Editor dbalek REOP --- all of a sudden, source code java error indications do not show in either the editor window or in the Projects window 2015-12-04
256078 java Editor dbalek NEW --- LowPerformance took 3897 ms. 2015-12-16
245309 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Code blocks cause the line wrap algorithm to surpass the right margin 2016-01-03
257372 java Editor dbalek NEW --- In comment scope, the home key should go to the beginning of the comment content, not to the left of the asterisk / double-slash 2016-01-03
257376 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Shift-tab should always un-indent the current line, regardless if it is selected 2016-01-03
229279 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Tools | Templates | Java | Code Snippets not straightforward to find. 2016-01-07
257501 java Editor dbalek NEW --- suggest variable name from usage of missing declaration 2016-01-10
192348 java Editor dbalek NEW --- RFE: Navigate to super implementation on Ctrl+click on @Override 2016-01-10
257515 java Editor dbalek NEW --- make shortcuts for alt+insert menu items 2016-01-11
257551 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Support Ratliff- or banner-style 2016-01-13
257573 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Java2D Queue Flusher crashes netbeans 2016-01-15
257539 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code template for javadoc causes line breaks 2016-01-16
257401 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Highlight matching angle brackets just like parentheses/brackets/curly braces 2016-01-17
110530 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ability to remove space before parenthesis for assert keyword 2016-01-23
257375 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Ignore user input for closing parentheses, when they have already been generated 2016-01-27
257839 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Add "Constructor" to "Insert code" for enums 2016-02-04
257583 java Editor dbalek NEW --- NullPointerException at org.openide.util.ImageUtilities.icon2Image 2016-02-09
235982 java Editor dbalek NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported type: <nulltype>, kind: NULL 2016-02-09
258046 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Saving a Java source file should not change line endings 2016-02-18
258212 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Pasting a class from java.lang shouldn't result in the "Import Classes" popup 2016-03-02
103827 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Formatting: operators at beginning of line, wrapping option 2016-03-10
106759 java Editor dbalek NEW --- New suggestion "Change 'extends' to 'implements'" 2016-03-21
228936 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide support for 'Injected Languages' on any String literal 2016-03-22
258331 java Editor dbalek REOP --- Inappropriate values suggested for function arguments 2016-03-22
258504 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Code templates does not work in for context 2016-03-23
258171 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Use variable latest in scope for code completion 2016-03-25
246873 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Go To Implementation not working for implementations contained in (Maven) dependencies 2016-03-30
159645 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Editor warns about unused fields but has no option to suppress warning 2016-03-31
228937 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Provide class completion on other resource files, like generic XML, properties, SQL files 2016-04-06
238877 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Allow excluding method directly from code completion 2016-04-06
207405 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Better message when code completion is invoked during scanning 2016-04-06
201653 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Convert Array to Variable 2016-04-06
258707 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Adjacent comments are reformatted improperly 2016-04-14
258203 java Editor dbalek NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.ParseException at org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.TaskProcessor.runUserTask 2016-04-15
258738 java Editor dbalek NEW --- 'instanceof' completion hints should consider type of variable to narrow the list of suggestions 2016-04-15
252362 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Annoying instanceof auto-completion 2016-04-15
258989 java Editor dbalek NEW --- An public Object function(List args).... 330 lines, 3 catches and finally. They thinks the catches need ';'. The finally thinks "illegal start of type" 2016-04-23
258134 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Has implementations" button shows subsequents implementations too 2016-05-17
262164 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Bad formatting of if-statement 2016-05-20
256986 java Editor dbalek NEW --- "Assign Return Value To New Value" applies "is*" handling to constructors 2016-05-20
262170 java Editor dbalek NEW --- AbstractMethodError:;I)Ljava/lang/Object; 2016-05-23
257930 java Editor dbalek STAR --- Goto declaration leads nowhere with @ModelOperation 2016-05-25
257246 java Editor sdedic NEW --- Can't collapse class annotations with more than one element inside. 2016-05-25
258472 java Editor dbalek NEW --- NetBeans generates static imports for private elements. 2016-05-30
262292 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Organize Imports on save can break the code 2016-06-01
262308 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Invalid @Override annotation added when delegating to static method 2016-06-02
262307 java Editor dbalek NEW --- Source code reformatting creates invalid code 2016-06-02
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
